Kavita Parwani Talib

Kavita Parwani Talib

Kavita Parwani Talib

Architecture and Practice

Architecture and Practice

Navi Mumbai, India

Soyuz Talib Architects


An architect by profession; I lead the interior design Studio at STAPL(Soyuz Talib Architects). It is a two decade young design consultancy that I co-founded & partner with Ar Soyuz Talib. Our portfolio is a fusion of modernistic yet functional architecture and interiors.
Our work is a response to the numerous questions that a design brief brings out. We aim for simplicity, precision and material relevance; and through it all an intervention that can stay pertinent in the perspective of time. Our design is an outgrowth of a dialogue between the architect & the client.
You could call me a traveling dreamer, and an avid learner. Traveling across the globe has expanded my perspective beyond mundane horizons and that translates into our designs too Architecture is just Art that we can live in.
Between what I live for and what keeps me alive; I juxtapose between my various roles; mother, daughter, wife, sister, friend… & more often than not a wordsmith by passion. I enjoy toying with words as much as I like making out with ideas to transform space/make a difference.